My sense of smell is, without a doubt, my governing sense. Fragrance is my language for translating the world, it is how I 'see' and capture many memories of family and friends or special moments in time. I will always remember my father's cologne combined with the crisp, clean scent of his freshly laundered shirts.
My sense of smell is, without a doubt, my governing sense. Fragrance is my language for translating the world, it is how I 'see' and capture many memories of family and friends or special moments in time. I will always remember my father's cologne combined with the crisp, clean scent of his freshly laundered shirts.
My sense of smell is, without a doubt, my governing sense. Fragrance is my language for translating the world, it is how I 'see' and capture many memories of family and friends or special moments in time. I will always remember my father's cologne combined with the crisp, clean scent of his freshly laundered shirts.