Sixto Juan Zavala’s perfume illustrations inspire

Sixto Juan Zavala’s perfume illustrations inspire

Sixto Juan Zavala takes illustration to a whole new level with his floral perfume bottle creations

INLINE_sixtojuanzavaladiorPerfume inspires artists of all mediums. Currently, we’re enamoured with the work of artist Sixto Juan Zavala who creates incredible illustrations of perfume bottles. His Floral Alchemy series focuses on flowers and fragrance flacons, so naturally we fell in love.

The designs—which have us thinking more of wild gardens than pretty bouquets are intricately detailed, colourful and less precious than many perfume illustrations we’ve seen. They bring to mind vintage botanical prints and scientific illustrations of bugs and animals. This is artwork that would be perfectly at home in the study of Charles Darwin, and your local perfume fan or aficionado.


Sixto Juan Zavala: illustration inspired by Chanel No.5

Make sure to show the artist some love by checking out or following @_sjzavala on Instagram.

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Alexandra Donaldson is the editorial assistant at The Whale & The Rose and a freelance writer and content creator. Although she recently took up yoga in an effort to be a healthy adult, she still binge-watches cartoons on a regular basis and dreams of running away to a cottage in the woods. She has yet to nail down her favourite perfume, but knows that it smells green, earthy and maybe a little bit spicy, but definitely not sweet.