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Big is better: An ode to oversized perfume
Why buy a 200 ml bottle of perfume? It’s great value? You have a signature scent so why not? It just looks glam? Whatever the reason, go big or go home!
How quickly do you go through a bottle of perfume? Of course, the answer depends on how many perfumes you wear on a regular basis, whether you wear perfume every day and of course, how big your bottle of eau.
Perfume bottles usually come in 50 ml or 100 ml bottles, but every once in a while a brand releases a jumbo-sized flask of 200 ml or more. The scale and weight of these oversized flasks never fails to impress.
We’re making the case for going big on your next perfume purchase.
Prada Infusions D’Iris, $200 (200 ml),
Got a signature scent? The beauty of buying in bulk.
If you’ve got a signature perfume, it makes sense to buy big. As much as we love our still life arrangements of petite perfumes past and present, there’s no better way to express your love and perfume opinion than buying in bulk. There’s something so confident and chic about a massive bottle of a favourite scent—and nothing else—decorating your dressing table. Simply a bouquet of gorgeous blooms and wow! Style that’s less and more.Les Exclusifs de Chanel 1932, $280 (200 ml),
Buying big fragrance bottles: Think of it as perfume investment
Perhaps the biggest motive for buying a value-sized scent? Cash of course. If you know that you’ll wear it, buying one large bottle is typically cheaper per millilitre. For example, buying the 75 ml of Chanel Les Exclusifs 1932 will set you back $160. Buying the 200 ml, $280. A little quick math tells you that you’re definitely saving. If you find yourself going through a scent much quicker than you’d like to, consider buying bigger. Your restocking will cost you less and you’ll make fewer trips to the perfume counter.
Byredo Gypsy Water Eau de Cologne, $335 (250ml),
Big is luxe. Big is grand.
There’s no escaping it—an oversized bottle of perfume screams luxury. Consider also that it’s the top-tier brands such as Chanel, Byredo, Prada and Atelier Cologne, that are most often maxing their proportions. For them, their perfume—already a luxury—becomes even more elite, decadent and desirable when in a 200 vs 50 ml format.
But we aren’t here to discourage you. In fact we’re firm believers in upping the volume. But then we never scrimp on our spritz application either. Indulgence is the perfume name of the game.
Atelier Cologne Trefle Pur, $260 (200 ml),
Did we miss any of your jumbo favourites? What do you think—go big or stick to the classic size?
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